905-734-4515 [email protected]


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Non-surgical Solution

for soft tissue injuries


Active Release Techniques is patented and highly advanced system for soft tissue management. Dr. Daniel Voth  applies the system to treat problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia and nerves. There are over 500 treatment protocols unique to ART to treat the whole body. The system delivers great success rates and in most cases the response is immediate. This is why Active Release Techniques is a popular treatment of choice among our patients.

What conditions we treat using the technique

We use the ART system to treat:Muscle strains, Ligament sprains, Peripheral Nerve Entrapments, Swelling, Meniscus tears and also:


Back Pain

Carpal Tunnel

Shin Splints

Shoulder Pain


Plantar fasciitis

Knee cartilage issues

Tennis/ Golfer elbow

Runner’s knee

These are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with this technique.


Soft tissues conditions are a result of an injury which can occur from:

Acute conditions such as a pull, tear or trauma and therefore there is build up of chronic tightness.
Accumulation of small tears referred to as ‘micro traumas’.
Not getting enough oxygen to the tissues (hypoxia).
Sudden traumas initiating muscular tears, adhesion and scar tissue.
When there is an injury, the body naturally produces scar tissue. The scar tissue build up affects the soft tissue which is designed to move freely. This can cause a reduced range of motion, loss of strength and stability and induce pain, weakness and sometimes numbness.

What happens during your treatment?

The treatment is a combination of examination and hands-on treatment. Dr. Voth first performs a thorough assessment to investigate the underlying cause of the problem in order to prepare a report of findings, advice and a customised treatment plan. The treatment can be at times slightly uncomfortable during the movement phases as the scar tissue or adhesions “break up”. This is temporary and subsides almost immediately after the treatment. It is common to feel a duplication of your symptoms during the treatment, a good indication that the problem has been identified. Treatments are about 10-15 minutes depending on what areas of the body are being treated and results typically are felt or demonstrated immediately.

Experienced, Professional & Certified

ART practitioner

Active Release Techniques is patented which protects the patients and so ensures patients are treated by a certified trained practitioner. Dr. Daniel Voth has been ART certified since 1997. He discovered the therapy whilst triathlon racing. Dr. Daniel Voth has had an extensive sporting background which includes: The Hawaiian Ironman World Triathlon Championships he knew first-hand the benefits and how to apply this technique. During his extensive clinical career, he has helped thousands of people, many athletes that are; World record holders, Olympic medallists, National triathlon champions and celebrities. He has been the instructor for various healthcare professionals including those from professional rugby clubs, cycling teams and Premier football clubs. With his approach and knowledge, you will be able to quickly find out what the problem is, the solution and start your individual healing process.

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